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  2. Release notes

Release Note: T-Rex Platform 1.24


  • Centralized Exchange (CEX) support: A new feature offering intuitive interfaces and APIs to facilitate the trading of your ERC3643 token on a CEX platform.
    • Issuer:
      • Request any CEX support for your token
      • Easily enable or disable trading of your token on supported CEX platforms
      • Manage (Approve/Reject) deposit wallets issued by CEX for your investors
    • Investor:
      • Create a deposit wallet approval request from your investor portal
      • Send tokens to your deposit wallets to start trading on a CEX
  • Automatic qualification after KYC approval: this feature allows to automatically Qualify investors upon KYC approval (manual or from a KYC provider).
  • 2FA for issuer users: we have enabled 2FA as an optional security step for users of the issuer servicing portal.
  • Multiple bug resolutions and enhancement in the following module:
    • Export as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file 
    • Billboard
    • TREX Factory