It is extremely important to keep your private key safe and secure. In the event that you would like to transfer ownership of your token. You would need to interact with it on the smart contract level.
As long as you have access to the Owner Wallet address you can do this by navigating to and search for the Token’s contract address, you can also access this directly from the dashboard.
Once on Polygonscan you need to connect to Web3(i.e. Metamask), your metamask will pop up and you should sign in with the Owner wallet address.
Upon reading the contract you can view the Owner address at position 11.
Then, if you switch to “Write as Proxy”, you can access the functions on the smart contract. You need to select “TransferOwnership” at position 31.
Copy the new Wallet address you wish to transfer ownership to, then select “Write”. This will open up Metamask if you are able to sign the transaction with the Owner’s wallet. These transactions will pass to the blockchain and once confirmed, ownership will pass to the new Wallet you provided.